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LMMS SIC Named to State Honor Roll

Published: Jan. 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST

GRANITEVILLE, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) - Leavelle McCampbell Middle School is one of seven public schools in the state named to the S.C. School Improvement Council’s 2022 Honor Roll.

SICs are intended to advise the principal and school and focus on helping to achieve school improvement.

According to Mike Rosier, communications coordinator for 天美传媒 Public Schools, LMMS’s SIC has elected and appointed positions and includes the principal, Dr. Tiffany Hall, faculty and staff members Jennifer Minichan, Ande Stanley, Kayla Hawn, and Sarah Wood, students Noah Devine and Litzy Pineda Flores, and parents and community members Alejandra Flores, Robert Wise, Patty Bryant, Deborah McMurtrie, and Jan Randall.