Phone: 8036634300


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Pitts

Mrs. Pitts has worked at Leavelle McCampbell since 1997.  This is her 12th year as the Student Information Clerk.  She wears many hats during the day and is always willing to assist wherever she is needed. 

During her spare time, she enjoys spoiling her five beautiful grandchildren.  She also enjoys working in her garden.

Phone: 8036634300


Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Communications from USC-A

Ms. Radford

Ms.Julie Radford is excited to be working as a bookkeeper at Leavelle McCampbell Middle School for the 2nd year.  Ms. Radford is a graduate of the 天美传媒 Public School System.

She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Ms. Radford enjoys the the school environment and she is looking forward to an exciting school year.

Phone: 8036634300


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Ann Hastings

This year is Ms. Hastings 2nd year at Leavelle McCampbell Middle School. She is  the friendly voice that you hear when you call Leavelle McCampbell Middle School and the friendly face you see when you visit!

She enjoys spending time with her family and going to the beach.