

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Art in Early Childhood Education - University of South Carolina Aiken

Mrs. Ashley Leaphart

Welcome to Second Grade


Hello! I am Ashley Leaphart and I couldn’t be more excited to be teaching Second Grade at Oakwood-Windsor! This will be my eighth year teaching and my fifth year here at Oakwood-Windsor! I have previously taught kindergarten and third grade.  Second grade is by far my favorite! I am excited for this school year and all of the learning that will be taking place! 

I grew up in Aiken, SC and I am a product of 天美传媒 schools.  I attended Gloverville Elementary, LBC Middle School, and Midland Valley High School. In December 2015, I received my Bachelors of Arts in Early Childhood Education from the University of South Carolina Aiken. I also received my Gifted and Talented certification in the spring of 2018. I plan to pursue my Master’s degree in the near future.  I currently live in Aiken with my husband Blake. In my spare time enjoy spending time with my family and friends, reading, traveling, spending Saturdays watching college football (Go Tigers!!), and all things Disney! 

It is important that we all work together as a team in order to help your child succeed this school year. Please check your child’s agenda daily for any important information that happened during the day.  Also please remember to check your child’s Thursday folder for any upcoming events and important papers that will be sent home.  Another great way to stay connected to our classroom is through the Class Dojo app. With Class Dojo, you can view your child’s daily behavior.  This is also a great way to stay in communication with me by using the Class Dojo app or website.  If you ever have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me in any of the following ways:

  • Email:
  • Class Dojo Message
  • Call the school. The schools phone number is 803-641-2560.You may leave a message with the front office and I will return your phone call as soon as possible.
  • Writing a note in your child’s agenda. This is a great place to write any important information that you would like for me to see first thing in the morning!