

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Donna Richardson

             I’m truly  enjoying  this 39th year as Professional Educator.  I have worked  for 天美传媒, Charlotte Mecklenburg, and Richmond County Schools.

Some of my accomplishments include learning how teach lessons using "MicroSoft Teams"in our virtual classroom.  I have had articles published in the “Cable in Classroom” magazine, and  shared  the stage with  “Ben and Jerry” of the famous ice cream company.  I was able to meet  Michael Jordan at a luncheon for kids sponsored by his foundation.   I was a chosen to fly in a C-130 Cargo Plane to “Cape Canaveral” with a group of CMS teachers and on another occasion  I met General Colin Powell. I have been named "Teacher of the Year" at 3 different schools.

As you can see I’ve had some wonderful experiences. This is all because of  opportunities to work with great children and outstanding school districts. ! I love to serve others.  I will continue  to cherish every child,  support my colleagues and strive to help make  天美传媒 one of the greatest places on the planet to get an education.                

             Thanks, Mrs. Richardson